Tag: Foreign Policy

Spinoza with a Beard: Spinoza’s Influence on Marxism

Author: Sam Thomas “[P]resent-day materialism is a Spinozism that has become more or less aware of itself.”[i] Introduction The purpose of this essay is to analyze the effect Spinoza’s insights have had on Marxism. Thus, it will ignore similar but unrelated questions. It will not analyze the current of thinkers who came after Marx’s death […]

The Folly of Horseshoe Theory

Author: Sam Thomas Introduction A plague is contaminating contemporary political discourse: the plague of horseshoe theory. Horseshoe theory is a political theory which holds that the far left and far right hold more in common with each other than with the center. The implication the promoters of this theory sneak into their statements is a […]

Capitalism with a Human Face: Part 1: Neoliberalism and Its Faults

Author: Sam Thomas Introduction: Capitalism with a human face refers to the usage of supposedly ethical procedures to soften the blow of capitalism. It has become a successful tactic by stripping once radical theories of their radical elements, and appropriating the aesthetic of radicalism to promote neoliberalism. This is the first in a three-part series […]

Leftist Twitter User @PissPigGrandDad joins YPG to Combat ISIS in Northern Syria

Author: DiginativBotnet There have been several reports and instances of ISIS recruiting Westerners for combat in Syria, though the phenomenon of Westerners joining ISIS resistance movements hasn’t been quite as widely discussed. Recently, Twitter user @PissPigGrandDad boarded a plane to Syria to join the YPG (the People’s Protection Units), a guerrilla combat force in Nothern Syria, and has been documenting the […]